Treasures in the Word


Welcome to Treasures in the Word.

New to the Bible?  Start here.

It’s incredible to see how God will open our eyes to the messages He has woven throughout Scripture as we take time to seek Him in prayer and study His Word.  Let’s take a look at what God has revealed to us in the Bible and how it applies to our everyday lives.

Check out the “Gems” tab for the latest posts or to search for topics.

The purpose of this site is to help visitors to learn to look deeper into the Bible and see how God has integrated His message throughout the Old and New Testaments.  While not an exhaustive Bible study source, hopefully you will be inspired to continue your own studies and find even more treasures as you delve deeper into God’s Word.
You can find short video messages that focus on Bible passages on the "Message in a Minute" page.

The Bible is key to understanding God and hearing Him speak to us.

Read prayerfully.
Study diligently.
Memorize purposefully.
Apply it to our lives faithfully.
Allow God to cause the seed planted in us to grow and produce fruit.